Hospital Managemnt Software
Doctors OP Queue
This feature allows doctors to manage their appointments and patient queue efficiently. It ensures smooth workflow and timely consultations.
Add Consultation
Describe the functionality for adding consultation here. Include how it aids in capturing patient information and treatment plans.
Add Allergies
This feature enables doctors to record patient allergies. It ensures safe and informed treatment decisions.
Add Vital Information
This feature allows doctors to input essential patient data such as vital signs and medical history. It aids in comprehensive patient assessment and treatment planning.
Add Photos, Videos
Doctors can attach visual media such as photos or videos to patient records. This aids in diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring progress.
Medical Diagnosis List
Provides doctors with a comprehensive list of medical diagnoses to choose from when documenting patient conditions. It ensures accuracy and consistency in medical records.
Doctors Can Add Orders
Enables doctors to submit various medical orders such as laboratory tests, imaging studies, prescriptions, and referrals directly from the patient's record. It streamlines the ordering process and improves patient care.
Patient History
Provides a detailed overview of a patient's medical history including past consultations, treatments, procedures, and contact information. It facilitates continuity of care and comprehensive assessment.
Doctor Can View History with Images
Allows doctors to access patient history records with attached images or visual data. It provides additional context and aids in decision-making and treatment planning.
Medicines Repeat Option
Simplifies the prescription process by allowing doctors to quickly reorder previously prescribed medications for patients with chronic conditions or ongoing treatment regimens. It improves efficiency and patient satisfaction.
Consultation Edit Option
Grants doctors the ability to review and edit past consultation notes. It ensures accuracy and completeness of patient records and facilitates better communication among healthcare providers.
Print History
Provides the functionality to print patient history records for offline reference, sharing with other healthcare providers, or inclusion in medical reports. It ensures accessibility and documentation of patient information.
Email History
Allows doctors to send patient history records or consultation summaries via email. It facilitates communication with patients, caregivers, or other healthcare professionals and ensures seamless information sharing.